Member of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Audit & Risk Committee
Board member since
Professional background
- Since 2004, Founder and Senior Partner, Wampfler & Partner AG, Zürich
- 1998 - 2004, Director, STG Schweizerische Treuhandgesellschaft, Zürich
- 1974 - 1998, STG Coopers & Lybrand, Zürich (Partner since 1991)
Other notable activities
- Caspar Finanz AG (Traco Power Group), Baar, Member of the Board of Directors
- Rebew AG, Zürich, Member of the Board of Directors
- Voltano AG, Baar, Owner and Chairman of the Board of Directors
- Swisa Holding AG, Baar, Owner and Delegate of the Board of Directors
- Lic. oec., University of Zürich, Switzerland
- Certified auditor